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sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Gaudiya Vedanta Publications Catalogue

My name is
Vasanti Dasi  i, from Gaudiya Vedanta Publications. We are international,

with publishing houses worldwide. We specialize in East Indian Religious and Spiritual

book publications, including translations of ancient and classical Vedic texts and essays

on Bhakti Yoga. Besides being used by those interested in Indian history, philosophy

and culture, these authoritative literatures are also used by New Age seekers and yoga

practitioners. They are also part of the classical foundation of literatures that belongs to

a 700,000,000-member religious tradition (Hinduism).

PDF Catalog


Our publications have been translated by Tridandisvami Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami

Maharaja, acknowledged as the Acharya of the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya, having

over a million followers. He is the leader of the traditional Bhakti movement, as recently

presented by Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Please review our catalog. I hope that you find our literatures valuable for your

readership. We apologize that we have not made our books and audio materials available

to you sooner.

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Book Representative




GVP Publications

Gaudiya Vedanta Publications Catalogue 

For My Master

Hare Krsna Dandavats Pranamas ! Jaya Jaya Srila Gurudeva Srila BV  Narayana  Gosvami Maharaja !Jay  Jay Sri Radhe !Jaya Srila Prabhupada ! Vanca Kalpa!

for my master

FELIZ 2012

Hare Krishna!!!!!Dandavats Pranamas !

Accepting A Guru

Swami Bhaktivedanta Sajjan


When the bewildered soul after suffering so much, and who develops a desire to be free from the stringent laws of Karma, sincerely calls for the Supreme to help in this process.... Krsna, the Surpreme Personality of Godhead, lovingly and mercifully bestws a genuine Pure Guide to assist in this process!
From Rays of The Harmonist, Tirobhava Edition

by Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Excerpt from Śrī Jaiva-dharma, Chapter Twenty

 Accepting A Guru | Back to Bhakti

                                                             Ohe Vaishnava Thakura

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Pure Bhakti Book Distribution Channel

                           Pure Bhakti Book Distribution Channel In You Tube News Videos

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja leads Vraja Mandal Parikrama.
* There is a secret realm, the most carefully protected place in all existence, where Sri Sri Radha Krishna's divine play is eternally unfolding.
Now, in this three hour journey,
those transcendental Personalities
call us home.

Here, their most beloved friend reveals Their pastimes of legendary love and beauty.
Appearing with English subtitles for the first time.
Dedicated to Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja.

This is part 13 of the series.

Filming: Acyuta Krsna das
Translation: Radhika dasi
Fidelity check: Gaurasundara das & Sravana das
Editing: Venu Gopal das
Special Thanks to: Jagat Mohini dasi, Syamarani dasi, Jaya Gopal das and all others who helped with this project.

Yamuna Devi Dasi Fala Para o Corpo do GBC Sobre As Suas Preocupações Como Uma Mulher na Iskcon

> Traduzido por Lilananda dasa
> Editado por Kamalaksi Rupini devi dasi
> Por YAMUNA Devi Dasi
> Que bela foi esta semana de Vaisnava sadhu-Satsanga! Eu deixo este
> lugar enriquecida, após ter compartilhado com meus familiares, antigos
> e novos, irmãos espirituais, irmãs espirituais, sobrinhos e sobrinhas.
> Embora eu me sinta a mais desqualificada para falar com vocês no dia
> de hoje, sinto-me honrada e privilegiada por me unir às minhas irmãs
> espirituais para expressar minhas preocupações como uma mulher na
> Como o corpo do GBC, todos vocês são responsáveis por estabelecer o
> legado de Srila Prabhupada, o qual está em jogo nestes tempos difíceis
> e turbulentos. Nossa parte deste legado - a relação que Srila
> Prabhupada
> estabeleceu com suas discípulas Vaisnavis - é o tema de discussão do
> dia de hoje, porque ao longo dos anos desde o seu desaparecimento,
> este tema foi em grande parte esquecido. Talvez o meu serviço pessoal
> e
> associação com ele, junto com sua orientação e instruções, ofereçam
> algumas idéias nesta área. Eu conheci Srila Prabhupada em 1966, quando
> eu era uma jovem forte e independente e fui iniciada em 1967. Se Srila
> Prabhupada tivesse exigido a conformidade com os papéis ortodoxos para
> as mulheres, como uma condição para se render, eu, juntamente com
> muitas das minhas irmãs espirituais, provavelmente não teria
> ingressado
> na ISKCON. O fato de que ele [Prabhupada] não impôs tal exigência é
> testemunho de sua visão espiritual. Ele carinhosamente nos incentivou
> e nos ocupou no serviço do movimento de sankirtana, e ele sempre se
> revelou
> como panditah-sama darsinah - igual para com todos.
> Em ambos, homens e mulheres, Srila Prabhupada observou nossas
> propensões e habilmente as ocupou em sua missão de pregação. Por
> muitos anos, em diferentes países e circunstâncias, tive a sorte de
> prestar
> serviço pessoal para ele. Ele me treinou e me encorajou a aceitar mais
> e mais responsabilidade, e regularmente me pediu para liderar
> kirtanas, dar aulas, organizar programas, gerenciar departamentos,
> prover acomodação
> confortável para devotos visitantes, reunir com os líderes, e
> ativamente promulgar a consciência de Krishna. Na ISKCON na Índia,
> aonde anteriormente as mulheres não era permitidas, ele me enviou a
> vários
> templos para aprender a cozinhar e adorar as Deidades, e ele
> repetidamente me pediu para treinar outros devotos da mesma maneira.
> Levaria muito mais do que o tempo limitado que tenho no momento para
> lhes dar um vislumbre dos numerosos intercâmbios que ilustram a
> atitude e humor de Srila Prabhupada. No entanto, um destes
> intercâmbios foi o que
> chamo de episódio Canakya Pandita. Eu estava presente em quatro
> ocasiões, quando Srila Prabhupada repetiu o ditado de Canakya: "Nunca
> confie em uma mulher ou um político" Em cada ocasião, Srila Prabhupada
> olhou nos meus olhos para ver a minha reação. Na última vez, em
> Bombaim em 1973, ele citou o ditado e deu gargalhadas na frente de um
> pequeno grupo de homens. Então ele disse: 'O que você acha Yamuna?
> "Imediatamente eu respondi:" Claro que é verdade, Srila Prabhupada,
> "ao que ele se tornou grave, olhou para mim com grande
> sentimento e disse:' Mas você não é uma mulher , você é um Vaisnava."
> Outra série de intercâmbios foram relacionadas à liderança de kirtans.
> Srila Prabhupada frequentemente me pediu para liderar o primeiro
> kirtana antes dele dar uma palestra, seja na frente de 20 pessoas ou
> de 10 mil pessoas. Haviam ocasiões em que eu me senti desconfortável
> com isso. No pandal em Jaipur no Templo de Radha Govinda, eu me
> recusei a liderar o kirtana.
> Srila Prabhupada me chamou e disse: “lidere o kirtana." Eu disse, “Eu
> não posso. Estou com dor de garganta.” Ele disse, “Não. Lidere o
> kirtana." Então, coaxando como um sapo, eu liderei o kirtana.
> Em 1974, não muito tempo depois que eu havia deixado o meu asrama de
> vida familiar, Srila Prabhupada disse "foi bom que você deixou seu
> marido”, e me incentivou a me tornar uma 'sannyasini'. Embora eu não
> estivesse no
> papel tradicional de ser protegida pelo meu pai, marido ou filho, em
> ambos os seus darsanas pessoais e suas instruções escritas, Srila
> Prabhupada me ofereceu incentivo irrestrito e me surpreendeu com
> respostas inesperadas às minhas perguntas inesperadas.
> Depois de me estabelecer em Oregon com a minha irmã espiritual
> Dinatarine, Srila Prabhupada, enquanto nos pronunciava "independentes"
> para um irmão espiritual preocupado, ao mesmo tempo duas vezes nos
> repreendeu quando nos aproximamos dele pedindo para ir embora.
> 'Vocês ocidentais são tão inquietos ", ele advertiu. "Porque vocês não
> podem permanecer no mesmo lugar? Fiquem onde estão" E nós perguntamos:
> 'Mas Srila Prabhupada, eles estão dizendo que se não estamos na ISKCON
> nós perdemos as suas bênçãos e não podemos
> avançar." Prabhupada respondeu:' ISKCON é onde você está cantando o
> santo nome.. Isto é ISKCON." E nós argumentamos: "Eles estão dizendo
> que não temos qualquer associação aqui e portanto estamos em maya". E
> ele respondeu: "Associação pode ser duas ou 200. Se vocês são duas e
> são compatíveis, vocês podem se tornar perfeitas na consciência de
> Krishna. Se vocês são 200 e não são compatíveis, então ninguém vai
> avançar."
> Para concluir, Srila Prabhupada me treinou para me preocupar com o seu
> movimento, e neste momento estou muita preocupada. Agora, mais do que
> nunca, é hora de reviver e absorver o humor de Srila Prabhupada para
> com
> seus discípulos. Se negligenciarmos isso, um aspecto da sua grandeza
> permanecerá desconhecido para as gerações futuras.
> Faço um apelo ao GBC para que juntamente com os projetos louváveis que
> vocês estão gerenciando e aqueles que vocês estão contemplando em
> desenvolver - especialmente o templo magnífico que irá surgir aqui em
> Sridhama Mayapura - que considerem que o comportamento dos devotos da
> ISKCON que participam desses projetos também deve ser magnífico.
> Qualquer outro comportamento fará com que estes projetos não estejam à
> altura do nome de Srila Prabhupada. Esta responsabilidade grave está
> nos seus ombros. Em outras palavras, vamos incutir em cada pessoa que
> entra em contato com o movimento de Srila Prabhupada as relações
> espirituais saudáveis que ele tinha com seus seguidores - seu humor de
> proteção,
> incentivo e bondade. Quanto o mais proximo que individualmente
> chegarmos a apreciar e honrar as relações pessoais de Srila Prabhupada
> com os seus discípulos, o mais perto chegaremos do seu senso de
> perfeição em consciência de Krishna, de sua alegria e de sua natureza
> transcendentalmente atrativa.
> Com muito cuidado, nosso serviço é criar um ambiente devocional aonde
> os homens, as mulheres e crianças possam prosperar em consciência de
> Krishna, prestando serviços de acordo com seu desejo e inclinação.
> Nosso
> serviço é capacitar ao invés de inibir a propensão de serviço em
> outros.
> Finalmente, vamos buscar na nossa inteligência e coração maneiras de
> ajudar as mulheres que estão sinceramente procurando vida espiritual.
> Sem
> estimulá-las adequadamente, nós, como sociedade, não teremos futuro.
> As mulheres em consciência de Krishna são uma parte complexa e
> essencial do legado de Srila Prabhupada. Em nosso esforço para
> avançar, não vamos
> colocar o exemplo de Srila Prabhupada detrás de nós, mas sim na nossa
> frente - o nosso capitão divino - para nos guiar juntos aos pés de
> lótus de Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai e Sri Sri Radha-Krishna.
> Mulheres na ISKCON: Apresentação para o GBC, Março 2000

                                                                 Yamuna Devi Dasi  Ki Jay!

Sri Guru Tattva


Srila Prabhupada's Memories

A ISKCON não deve ser comercializada - EXPLORADA PARA OBTER LUCRO

Srila Prabhupada = EU NOMEEI 11 RITVIKS

Puri Maharaja foi um dos irmãos espirituais com que Srila Prabhupada teve um relacionamento mais efetuoso. Em 1972, ele escreveu:

"Meu querido Puri Maharaja, talvez você seja meu único irmão espiritual que apreciou meu humilde serviço para a causa de Guru Gauranga".

Estes dois vídeos mostram um relato bastante emocionado de algumas das últimas conversas entre eles, e a preocupação com o futuro da Iskcon. Não deixe de ver também a segunda parte.

Sri Guru Vandana

Sri Guru-carana-padma

Os pés de lótus de Sri Guru

Srila Narottama dasa Thakura

sri guru-carana-padma, kevala bhakti-sadma

vando mui savadhana mate

jahara prasade bhai, e bhava toriya jai

krsna-prapti hoya jaha ha’te

Os pés de lótus de Sri Gurudeva são o depósito de riquezas de sri, prema-bhakti imaculada por Krsna. Mui cuidadosamente adoro e sirvo estes pés de lótus (gurupada padma). Por sua misericórdia, ó irmão, qualquer um pode atravessar este vasto oceano de miséria e alcançar os pés de lótus de Sri Krsna.

guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya

ara na koriho mane asa

sri guru-carane rati, ei se uttama gati

je prasade pure sarva asa

As palavras que emanam da boca de lótus de Sri Gurudeva devem ser abraçadas dentro do coração. Nenhuma aspiração, além de suas palavras, deve lá entrar porque suas instruções conduzem-nos ao objetivo mais elevado – rati, ou apego aos seus pés de lótus. Por sua graça, todos nossos desejos por perfeição espiritual são satisfeitos.

caksu-dana dila jei, janme janme prabhu sei

divya-jñana hrde prakasito

prema-bhakti jaha hoite, avidya vinasa jate

vede gaya jahara carito

Ele me concede a dádiva da visão transcendental e ilumina o meu coração com conhecimento transcendental. Ele é meu mestre nascimento após nascimento. Dele emana prema-bhakti, amorosa devoção divina, pela qual a ignorância é destruída. As escrituras védicas cantam o seu caráter.

sri guru karuna-sindhu, adhama janara bandhu

lokanatha lokera jivana

ha ha prabhu koro doya, deha more pada-chaya

tuwa pade lainu sarana

(ebe jasa ghusuka tribhuvana)

Sri Gurudeva é o oceano de misericórdia, o maior amigo dos desamparados, a vida e alma de todos! Ó mestre, seja misericordioso! Ai de mim! Ó Gurudeva, dê-me sombra aos seus pés de lótus – pois a eles me rendi. (Agora sua fama se espalhará por todo os três mundos)..



Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya Caksur-unmilitam yena tasmai sri-guruve namah
nama om visnu-padaya radhikayah priyatmane sri-srimad-bhaktivedanta narayana iti namine

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine

namaste sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

The Guru Business

Author:: H.G. Sulocana Prabhu

(Sulocana Prabhu was murde


Purity is the real force behind any genuine spiritual movement. Prabhupada predicted his "leaders" would not live up to the standards he personally set.

The personal ambition of the "big guns" and how it has ruined the society, bringing dishonor to Prabhupada's good name.

The truth about the spiritual master. How becoming a bona fide guru is not by appointment, but by a lifetime of sincere hard work and devotion.

The first step to sanity: A logical and scriptural confrontation.

Srila Prabhupada was not a sentimentalist. Rather he taught that violence is often necessary to combat evil. All else failing, it may be necessary to use force to stop the "guru" imposition in ISKCON.

This famous quote by Sridhar Maharaja is one of hundreds of quotes contradictory to Srila Prabhupada's teachings, that helped ISKCON's appointed "gurus" to "dig their own graves." Unfortunately, ISKCON got buried as well. Srila Prabhupada had specifically warned not to take Sridhar Maharaja's advice.

How the "authorized" biography of ISKCON's founder minimizes the qualifications of a true saint, thereby giving full reign to charlatans eager to profit from their "guru business."
Chapter 8 - The Conspiracy
A running history showing the most important events of the takeover and the efforts made to thwart it, beginning in 1977 [Not complete].

How ISKCON leaders, especially the "gurus" manipulate innocent women for their own selfish profit, adoration, and distinction. Thus ISKCON's 90% divorce rate. Also the real reason why Prabhupada gave sannyasa to his sexually inclined disciples.

The first in a series of exposes on corrupt ISKCON "gurus." The story behind his personality cult, including the truth about the "PALACE OF GOLD" tourist attraction in West Virginia.


Number 5 - Letter of Radhanatha Dasa to his "guru," Satsvarupa.

Number 8 - Rohini Kumar Swami's paper on "Regular Gurus."

Number 10 - 1978 GBC Report on Women sexploitation techniques.

Number 12 - Mother Mahara's statement about abortion & illicit sex: The real New Vrindaban.

Number 18 - Interview on the subtle sex life of Hrydayananda.

Number 20 - The Real May & June "Appointment" Transcripts.

Number 22 - GBC Document rationalizes breaking marriages.

Number 25 - Interview about Women's sexploitation at New Vrindaban.

DAS Devotee Access Services - An Inside Information Service for Devotees Everywhere.

The Kingdom by Sulocana dasa

red May 22nd, 1986, 1:00 a.m.,
Los Angeles, two days after this story was written.)


Radhanatha Swami Guru-killing/child-swallowing successor to Kirtanananda

Director: Stephen Voith
Producer: Muktipada das

Sulochans book the Guru Business:

nama om vishnu-padaya
krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
shrimate bhaktivedanta-
svamin iti namine

namas te sarasvate deve

I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Chaitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.

Srila Prabhupada
"I am very glad that you are challenging all of these so-called swamis and gurus. My Guru Maharaja appreciated devotees who boldly presented our Vaishnava philosophy. We must take advantage of every opportunity to defeat these rascals and drive them away, so please continue this strong attitude." (Bahulasva, 11/30/71)

Sulochan: There are a class of devotees today who are against "ISKCON" but are not in favor of any kind of confrontation. They say, "Let them dig their own graves." That would be fine except for one thing: They are burying Srila Prabhupada and his mission along with themselves. For those devotees who are adamant not to resist the deviation, we have no ill feeling. If they are taking the path of no criticism, then they should not be hypocritical. They should not criticize us for wishing to follow Srila Prabhupada's directions above by confronting the representatives of the bogus institution. Otherwise, if these so-caned peaceful devotees, who are outside the walls of ISKCON, criticize us, the saner section should realize that such moral cowards are lending indirect support to the current imposition going on within the walls.

Any and all BBT images and written materials are (c) 1972 Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. All rights reserved. All such materials are published pursuant to Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, Fair Use Exception. Site articles are copywritten to their respected authors. All rights reserved. All authors retain their ownership of their own articles. Authors are fully and solely responsible for the content in their articles. Site content is copywritten to adi-vani.org. All rights reserved.

Four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me

"O best among the Bharatas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me -- the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute." BG 7.16

The imposter Fake Guru appointed by the GBC

                                     Are Disciples Of Radhanath Swami ISKCON Devotees?


Hare Krsna !

 Please read the numerous comments to see this video...

THIS IS THE TRAGIC STORY OF A MAN THAT ABANDON his son as a todler ...and his wife ESTHER after pleading with her to have an abortion when she was 5 months pregnants (she claim )That marriage was arrange by the (jewish ganster GARGAMONI $$) who lied to Esther about this marriage being bless by Prabhupad (she claim )
GOPAL never gave her alimony ...or child support .ESTHER HAD TO BE ON WELFARE IN 3 states
Esther told me on the phone that GOPAL tried to remarried her 10 years ago but she turn him down . .( WITH GOPAL SISTER as intermediary )
And now GOPAL is sitting on a throne like seat...playing the guru with a reported personal income of over 2 million dollars a year and claiming to be a genuine spiritual MASTER.
This is a video warning him and other gurus like him of the dangers of presenting himself in a grandiose way on YOUTUBE when millions of INDIANS can barely eat everyday .... and when 700 gurukula kids have gotten a few thousands dollars ONLY for having suffer so much of all kinds of sex abuses...from rape to sodomy .. ...many of those abuses happen under the nose of GOPAL who was not anoff of a man to confront Bhavananda and Kirtanananda ...two good old friends of GOPAL .
As far as ESTHER is concern ...SHE LIED TO ME and LIED to ALL THE READERS OF HER BLOGS saying that she never got money from GOPAL .. THE TRUTH AND . REALITY IS .....that a few years ago she got hundreds of thousands of dollars $$$..in a secret under the table deal arrange by the sisrer of GOPAL ....
Nickels and dimes collected in the street of AMERICA and EUROPE?
She is a bitter woman that hates everything HARE KRISHNA ...and proudly say that she as never received any psychological therapy ...for what she claim was repeated feeling of being rape by GOPAL repeatadly...and never experience a loving relationship ...ever in her 58 years ....She really need to get into a specialise therapy for victims of sex abuses to release all that pent up anger and frustrations that she as been carrying for 40 years ...Becoming a Christian as she claim she now is ..did not adress the subconcious pains that she as in her heart ....I sincerely wish that she will refocus her mind on her own healing process and finally get a fullfilling heatthy sex life.
She told me that Gopal ows her more than 2 millions dollars ....she should be gratefull for what she got $$$$ for some gurukula victims got only $5,000 for having been sodomise at 5 year old .
As far as Gopal ...he as to align himself with the
"homosexuality is demoniac "mentality of the IHNDHU sastras...."women are less intelligent "...and 9 times more lusty at that ....if he denies this ....he LOSE HIS POST AND INCOME..a very difficult psychological place to be in in 2011.
But a personal income of minimum $2million dollrs a year in guru DAKSHINA .(gifts from diciples ).This ..might be a good excuse to keep acting out as he does with all the politics involve .


Save Divine Iskcon Stop Bhogus

 Jay Sri Guru e Gauranga ! Nrisimha Krishna Bhagavan Ki Jay ! Jay Prahlada Maharaja ! Hare Krsna !

           Kirtanananda – (F)ISKCON Attends The Monster’s Burial


Sri Nrsimhadeva Pranama

Sri Nrsimha Pranama
names te narasimhaya prahladahlada-dayine hiranyakasipor vaksah- sila-tanka-nakhalaye

I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and whose nails are like chisels on the stonelike chest of the demon Hiranyakasipu.

ito nrsimhah parato nrsimho yato yato yami tato nrsimhah bahir nrsimho hrdaye nrsimho nrsimham adim saranam prapadye

Lord Nrsimha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Nrsimha is there. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I surrender to Lord Nrsimha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.

Prayer to Lord Nrsimha (from Sri Dasavatara-stotra, p. 97)

tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam dalita-hiranyakasipu-tanu-bhrngam kesava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare

O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of half-man, half-lion! All glories to You! Just as one can easily crush a wasp between one's fingernails, so in the same way the body of the wasp like demon Hiranyakasipu has been ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails on Your beautiful lotus hands.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !

quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011


Nrsimha Deva Bhagavan , Bhagavan  Ki Jay !

Radha and Krishna as Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus!

I am totally aghast at this latest fashion in ISKCON of dressing Radha and Krishna as Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus! I cannot even imagine doing such a thing in front of Srila Prabhupada. I encourage all who feel the same way as me to complain to the Deity Worship Ministry.
                                                        Bhaktivedanta Manor temple

Os Pés de Lótus de Sri Rupa Manjari

Música e letra de Ramakanta Dasa sendo cantada e tocada junto com os Bauls no estudio Groove do Banheiro em Fortaleza


Canal de lilanandamayi

Chineses devotee bhakti channel special sri braja mandala parikrama

Hare Krsna !Dandavats !




Sripad BV Vana Maharaja no Brasil Programação dos Festivais

dandavats pranamas,

todas as glorias a Srila Gurudeva
todas as glórias a sadhu-sanga
todas as glórias ao Harinama Sankirtan

dezembro 2011

24 - RJ 11:45 -chegada aeroporto
24 a 25 - Gaura Mandir -Teresópolis
26/12 a 3 de janeiro -Sri Gauravani Gaudiya Matha - Rio de Janeiro

Janeiro 2012

04 e 05 - Gaudiya Satsanga Bhavan - Santos
06 a 08 - Templo Gangamatas Gaudiya Matha - São Paulo
09 a 11 - Kesavaji Gaudiya Math - Belo Horizonte
12 a 14 - Vrindavana PalikaDevidasi - Vitoria-ES
15 a 17 - Brasilia
18 a 19 - Goiânia
20 a 23 - Sri Gauravani Gaudiya Matha - Vyasa puja - Rio de Janeiro
24 a 26 - Nova Gokula, Pinda, Taubaté
27 a 29 - Brasil Gaudiya Math - Fortaleza
30 a 31 - Templo Gangamatas Gaudiya Matha - São Paulo


01 a 06 - Bolivia
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                                                             Hari Katha Blog

Lila contado em Nova Gokula -Brasil by Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami

                                 Radhe Radhe ! Sri Sri Radha Ramana Thakuraji Ki Jay!Chandanji Ki Jay!

 in 2011 - Brasil

tradução para o portugues Sita Devi Dasi

O passatempo era assim, tinha um rei muito elevado que ganhou um poder de escutar os animais, mais ele não podia­­

contar pra ninguem que tinha este poder­­

então ele estava comendo e veio uma formiga e pegou um grão de arroz do prato dele­­

e saiu para sua casa­­

quando ela estava chegando na portinha de sua casa apareceu uma formiga maior­­

e entrou pra frente dela­­

e disse­­

Por favor me de esse grão e va buscar outro pra você, e a formiga pequena disse­­


vc é grande­­

vc pode ir la e pegar o seu­­

e a grande disse­­

Não pq eu sou uma sudra vc é mais elevada do que eu, se eu fizer isso vou contaminar todo o prato do Rei, pq não sou Bramana como voce­­


e o Rei começou a rir­­


pq ele pensou nossa ­

os animais tbm tem isso­­

de devoção­­

e tals­­

e nisso sua esposa escutou­­

ele rindo muito­­

e perguntou­­

pq vc esta rindo assim? e o rei não podia contar se não ele ia morrer, e ela disse anda me fala e ficou irada muito brava, e disse que ele ia ter que contar, então rei disse­­

mais se eu te contar eu vou abandonar o corpo, e ela respondeu que não queria saber de nada que ela queria saber o pq dele estar rindo e ele teria que contar ­­

morrendo ou não­­


dai, passaram 3 dias­­

e a esposa estava atormentando toda irada não o servia mais­­

querendo saber o pq dele rir tanto­­

então ele disse vamos para Vrindavan assim te conto e pelomenos abandono o corpo­­

em um lugar puro­­

e bonito­­

e ela aceitou­­

então antes de ir ele foi converçar com quem deu os poderes a Ele, e disse minha mulher quer saber muito e se eu contar eu vou morrer­­

e ele disse de 3 chicotadas nela­­

e pronto­­


e o rei disse­­

mais eu nao posso fazer isso com a minha esposa­­

e então­­

ele arrumou as coisas e foram a vrindavan­­

quando eles chegaram la, tinha uma cabra e um cabrito­­

e a cabra estava toda feliz pq o cabrito estava apaixonado por ela­­

então o cabrito disse­­

o que eu faço para que vc se case comigo­­

minha linda cabra­­

e a cabra disse­­

va até o poço e pegue aquelas folhas lindas e saborosas que estão ali­­

e assim me caserei com vc­­

e o rei escutando tudo aquilo­­


então o cabrito foi olhou bem­­

ao redor­­

para ver se ele poderia chegar perto­­

e pegar­­

e ele viu que se ele pegasse ele morreria­­

então voltou­­

e disse pra cabra­­

se eu pegar eu vou morrer, e ela disse ou vc pega ou vc não tera o meu amor­­

então o cabrito se vira e diz­­

o que vc acha? que sou como este rei?­­

que esta disposto a abandonar o corpo para contar a sua esposa uma besteira?­­

e ela disse sim ­

vc tera que fazer ou não me tera mais­­

entao o rei vendo tudo aquilo­­

percebeu que a ira e a teimosia da esposa era tão grande que o cegava­­


e então­­

adivinha o que ele fez?­­

deu 3 chicotadas na esposa e voltou embora­­ rs

a ira a teimosia­­

a ignorancia­­

as vezes se curam­­

com as chicotadas de GURUDEVA­­

ele mostra na vida­­
no dia a dia­­

Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami


Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami and Sri Radha Ramana.

Madhurya Kadambini by Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami

 Sri Radha Ramana  Bhakti Channel

Srimad Bhagavad - Gita Ki Jay ! Krishna Katha Ki Jay!

                               " HE KRSNA KARUNA SINDHU DINA BANDHU JAGAT PATE
                                   GOPESA GOPIKA KANTA RADHA KANTA NAMOSTUTE "

Russian court refuses to ban translation of Bhagavad Gita

All Glory To Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga 

Gita Gita Gita !!!!!

the divine  book on line

Srimad Bhagavad-Gita

Moscow:  A court in Russia has turned down a petition that asked for a ban on a translated version of Bhagavad Gita. India had described the application as "patently absurd."

The petition was originally filed in June in a court in Tomsk in Siberia and had created a diplomatic stress point for India and Russia.

India's External Affairs Minister SM Krishna met the Russian Ambassador Alexander Kadakin earlier this week to discuss the matter. Today, Mr Krishna  welcomed the judgement and thanked the Russian government for its support.

Prosecutors in the Siberian city of Tomsk had  argued that the Russian translation of "Bhagavad Gita As It Is" promotes "social discord" and hatred toward non-believers. The text is a combination of the Bhagavad Gita, one of Hinduism's holiest scriptures, and commentary by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) that is often called the Hare Krishna movement.

The prosecutors had asked  the court to include the book on the Federal List of Extremist  Materials, which bans more than 1,000 texts including Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf."

Yuri Pleshkov, a spokesman for ISKCON in Russia, said the book in question has existed in Russia for 25 years and has never inspired violence or extremist activity.

"On the contrary, this book teaches humane attitude towards all living beings," Pleshkov said.
The trial follows this year's ban on the construction of a Hare Krishna village in Tomsk and is based on an assessment by professors at Tomsk University, who concluded that "Bhagavad Gita As It Is" includes strong language against non-believers and promotes religious hatred and discrimination on the basis of gender, race, nationality and language.

The trial began in June and was scheduled to conclude on December 19, just after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's two-day visit to Russia. That day protesters gathered outside the Russian consulate in Kolkata, and the speaker of the Lok Sabha adjourned the House for several hours after members began shouting in anger over the proposed ban.  Speaking in parliament, Mr Krishna had said the lawsuit was the work of "ignorant and misdirected or motivated individuals."

Indian officials last week appealed to high-level Russian authorities to intervene. The Bhagavad Gita "is not merely a religious text, but one of the defining treatises of Indian thought," said Indian Ambassador to Russia Ajai Malhotra in a statement. "The Bhagavad Gita has circulated freely across the world for centuries and there is not a single instance of it having encouraged extremism."

The Foreign Ministry insisted that the Tomsk court was concerned not with the Gita but with the author's commentary and poor translation in "Bhagavad Gita As It Is."

                                                 ................ OM TAT SAT ................


Srila BV Narayan Maharaja Bhakti Channel News Videos

Haribol ! Muitos videos novos de Srila Gurudeva !

vejam neste link 

Bhakti Channel Srila BV Narayan Maharaja

19980115_16_Aust Rag das Goswami Bhart Maharaja Mana Seva Krsna Claims Religious Person 16th PM Class Tape 4

Jaya Râdhâ-Mâdhava II

by: S'rîla Bhaktivinoda Thhâkur

(from Gîtâvalî)

(song sung before lectures)

(Gm Dm Gm C Gm Dm Gm C)

(GmII DmI Am C Dm)
(jaya) râdhâ-mâdhava (jaya) kunja-bihâri R
Al glories to Râdhâ and Mâdhava's divine pastimes

(jaya) gopî-jana-vallabha (jaya) giri-vara-dhâri,
The Lord of gopi's lifted [up the hill] Govardhana,

Am GmII Dm)
(jaya) giri-vara-dhâri. R
The Lord of gopi's lifted [up the hill] Govardhana,

(jaya) Yas'oda-nandana (jaya) braja-jana-ranjana,
dear to Yasoda, loved in Vrindâvana,

(Am GmII Dm)
(jaya) braja-jana ranjana. R
loved in Vrindâvana,

(jaya) Yamunâ-tîra-vana-cârî (jaya) kunja-bihâri. R
at the Yamunâ, He wanders in the woods.

Why this Kolaveri Di- Hare Krishna Style- Anish

Happy Krsna consciousness New Year!

Hare Krsna ! Jaya Srila Gurudeva !

O harinam You enter mine ear & touch my heart & tears flow from mine eyes

A Christmas Message‏

Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Gosvami Maharaja
North Shore, Hawaii: December 25, 2006
Today is Christmas Day, the birthday of Jesus Christ. In Europe and other countries, hardly anyone knows what Jesus Christ was doing in his youth, at around fifteen years of age. Nothing is seen. Indian history shows that he was in India, where he visited Vrndavana, Ayodhya, Jagannatha Puri, and other pilgrimage places.

In Vrndavana he heard the name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and when he went to Jagannath Puri he heard how the local persons pronounce Krsna as Krusna, and in his language it became Christah, and then Christ. The change in name is actually only a difference in language. *[See Endnote 1]

When Jesus returned to Galilee from India, he preached the same devotion he had learned in India. By his mercy, his followers preached the mission of God everywhere, and it was therefore gradually distributed in Western countries.

There are not many Gods – there is only One. In the Bible it has been written: “God created man after His own image.” If the Supreme Lord, God, has no form, then how can He create so many worlds and so many forms? God has form. He has all qualities.

‘Christ’ means ‘Krsna,’ the one-without-a-second, the Supreme Lord. In the Bible we see that God has a transcendental form. Jesus has called him father, so there is some relation. We are refined Christians, because we totally follow this understanding. Many of those who call themselves Christians don’t truly follow Christianity, because they say that God is formless, but the Bible actually tells that God has a form and that form is transcendental.

Today, on the birthday of Jesus, we are giving honor to him. He was a manifestation of God called saktyavesa-avatara. God has empowered him, and that is why he was able to preach everywhere.

Krsna is very merciful – very, very merciful. He is so beautiful, His qualities are transcendental, and the song of His flute is so sweet that it attracts everyone. We have forgotten Him. We are His part and parcel; that is, we are His servants or maidservants, whether we accept this or not. We have forgotten Him, and that is why maya (the Lord’s material, deluding potency) has taken us to this world.

No one can be happy in this world, which is like God’s prison. Sri Krsna’s deluding potency maya keeps those who have forgotten Him in this jail. Anyone who wants happiness here is a foolish person, for no one can be happy in jail. Only the watchmen – police of the jail – can be happy, and they are devotees. Only devotees can be happy in this world.

Sri Krsna has mercifully given this human body, which is like a very strong boat. He has placed a captain in this boat, and that captain is sri gurudeva. The strong, favorable winds (the instructions of scriptures) are blowing the sails, and the resultant high speed of sailing is sadhu-sanga, the association of devotees. For example, while you remained in your homes, we came from India.

One of God’s messengers was Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja. Srila Swami Maharaja went door to door, to islands in the midst of oceans, on the top of hills, and in the depths of forests. He went everywhere and preached. How merciful are Krsna and His associates!

Having all these facilities, if you do not take the opportunity to realize your self, to realize that you are soul and that the Supersoul, Krsna is present with you, then you are committing spiritual suicide. [*See Endnote 2]

So don’t waste a minute’s time without worshiping Krsna. Always be engages in this way. The money, houses, dogs, cats, cars, and so many other things you are collecting cannot give you any help at the time of death. You will have to go alone, and where you will go, you don’t know. So don’t waste time.

All facility is available, so you are very fortunate. The only aim and object of this life should be this: ‘How can I realize myself and Krsna, and engage in the performance of pure bhakti.’

Krsna is causelessly merciful. He has all powers, and He has invested all His powers and qualities in harinama, His holy names:
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Krsna’s names are more powerful than Krsna Himself. These names can stop your pain of endless birth and death, and give you love for Krsna. Chant and remember the sweet pastimes of Krsna with great honor and strong belief.

Krsna lives in Goloka Vrndavana with His associates – Nanda Baba, Mother Yasoda, Sridama, Subala, Madhumangala, and the gopis, including Srimati Radhika. He always plays there.

He thinks, “My servants and maidservants have forgotten Me.” In order to deliver them, He therefore descends with all of His associates in this material world and performs so many sweet pastimes here. He is unlimited, He is beyond the limitation of length and breadth, inside or outside; He is everywhere.

All worlds are within His belly, and yet Mother Yasoda binds Him with the silken rope which holds her hair in a braid. He kindly picked up the great mountain Govardhana and held it for seven days on His left pinky. At that time He told all the Vrajavasis, “Come under Govardhana. I will save you from the rains arranged by Indra.”

In Vrndavana He killed so many demons, like Aghasura and Bakasura. He killed Kamsa, who was as strong as 10,000 elephants. He also killed numerous demons in Dvaraka, through Bhima and Arjuna; He killed so many in the Mahabharata War, such as Dronacarya and Bhisma. All the warriors had unparalleled strength, but they were all killed by Krsna. Paundraka Vasudeva, Sisupala, Kalayavana, and many other demons were also killed by Him.

At the end of His manifest pastimes, He took with Him His associates from Dvaraka as they were in the guise of their fighting and killing each other. Thus He removed the burden of the Earth, and then ascended with His eternal associates to His Goloka Vrndavana. He performed such sweet pastimes. How merciful He is!

He came as Lord Ramacandra, with Sita, Laksmana, Bharata, Sratrugna, and Hanuman, and in that form He performed very heart-rending pastimes. Ravana kidnapped Sita-devi, and Hanuman later discovered her whereabouts. With the help of monkeys and bears Ramacandra built a bridge over the ocean, and He killed Ravana and Ravana’s entire army. Sita is Rama’s eternal spiritual energy, but He sent her away. This is a very sad pastime, so why did He do this? He thought: People will hear or read My pastimes, and thus engage in bhakti (devotional service) to Me. Bhakti is so powerful that it is able to take out all the malice from their heart, and manifest pure love (suddha-prema-bhakti) in their heart. They will be liberated, and thus they will join Me in My service and become happy.

Bhakti is a very easy method to reach God. There is no need to do exorcises like the Mohammedans – sitting or standing and doing namaj. If you cannot pray, then simply offering respectful obeisances will do: “O Prabhu, namaskara.” If you sing God’s names and dance, or even chant loudly while walking, or even if you chant softly in the mind, or even if you name your dog or cat or cow Narayani, Narayana, Krsna, or any of God’s names, you will be liberated at once, like Ajamila. [*See Endnote 3]

My request is that you do not waste this human life. Don’t be always engaged in money-making. Even if you become more wealthy than Bill Gates, you cannot be happy. So try to engage in this very easy method of bhakti. Then you will be liberated from all unhappiness, and you will be happy forever.

[*Endnote 1:
“Prabhupada: Christian religion is practically, from the name it appears – ‘Christian’ and ‘Krsnian’. Original word of this ‘Christ’ comes from the Greek word ‘Kristo’.
Dr. Weir: Anointed.
Prabhupada: Yes. This ‘Christa’ is Krsna.
Dr. Weir: From the Sanskrit?
Prabhupada: Yes. Krsta is the popular word for Krsna. And Krsna is always anointed with tilaka. We follow this, tilaka, Krsna, anointed with this sandal pulp. So, so far I think, there is some very near relationship with this ‘Christian’ and ‘Krsnia’. Krsta means ‘love’, love of Godhead or love.” (Room Conversation, September 4, 1971, London).
Father Emmanuel: I think Jesus, as the son of God, has revealed to us the actual name of God: Christ. We can call God ‘Father’, but if we want to address Him by His actual name, we have to say ‘Christ’.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. ‘Christ’ is another way of saying Krsta, and ‘Krsta’ is another way of pronouncing the name of God, Krsna. Jesus said that one should glorify the name of God, but yesterday I heard one theologian say that God has no name-that we can call Him only "Father." A son may call his father ‘Father’, but the father also has a specific name. Similarly, ‘God’ is the general name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose specific name is Krsna. Therefore whether you call God ‘Christ’, ‘Krsta’ or ‘Krsna’, ultimately you are addressing the same Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Father Emmanuel: Yes, if we speak of God's actual name, then we must say, "Christos." In our religion, we have the Trinity: the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe we can know the name of God only by revelation from the Son of God. Jesus Christ revealed the name of the father, and therefore we take the name Christ as the revealed name of God.

Srila Prabhupada: Actually, it doesn't matter – Krsna or Christ – the name is the same. The main point is to follow the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures that recommend chanting the name of God in this age. The easiest way is to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.” (Science of Self Realization, Chapter 4).
“Yes. Krsna means ‘the supreme lover and beloved’. He attracts everyone. There is one Greek word, krista. The meaning is the same, ‘love.’ And from this Krista, the word Christ has come. So this word Christ also has connection with Krsna.” April 13, 1975 Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture)

[*Endnote 2:
“nr-deham adyam su-labham su-durlabham
plavam su-kalpam guru-karnadharam
mayanukulena nabhasvateritam
puman bhavabdhim na taret sa atma-ha

The human body, which can award all benefit in life, is automatically obtained by the laws of nature, although it is a very rare achievement. This human body can be compared to a perfectly constructed boat having the spiritual master as the captain and the instructions of the Personality of Godhead as favorable winds impelling it on its course. Considering all these advantages, a human being who does not utilize his human life to cross the ocean of material existence must be considered the killer of his own soul.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.20.17)]

[*Endnote 3:
“Ajamila was a resident of Kanyakubja (the modern Kannauj). He was trained by his parents to become a perfect brahmana by studying the Vedas and following the regulative principles, but because of his past, this youthful brahmana was somehow attracted by a prostitute, and because of her association he became most fallen and abandoned all regulative principles. Ajamila begot in the womb of the prostitute ten sons, the last of whom was called Narayana. At the time of Ajamila's death, when the order carriers of Yamaraja came to take him, he loudly called the name Narayana in fear because he was attached to his youngest son. Thus he remembered the original Narayana, Lord Visnu. Although he did not chant the holy name of Narayana completely offenselessly, it acted nevertheless. As soon as he chanted the holy name of Narayana, the order carriers of Lord Visnu immediately appeared on the scene. A discussion ensued between the order carriers of Lord Visnu and those of Yamaraja, and by hearing that discussion Ajamila was liberated. He could then understand the bad effect of fruitive activities and could also understand how exalted is the process of devotional service.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1 Summary by Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja Prabhupada)]


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